Stefano Bovino
From micro to macro
From micro to macro
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Overview and Material
August 2023: We have been awarded an ALMA Large Program to unveil the initial conditions of high-mass star formation. Fantastic!
August 2023: Our new postdoctral fellow, Namrata Rani, finally joined the group. Welcome.
August 2022: Stefano has been award the Astrophysical Software Award from the German Astronomical Society for the KROME development. Shared with Tommaso Grassi!
April 2022: Nicol finally defended her Master thesis! Congratulations.
March 2022: Giovanni Sabatini visited us for one month from Institute of Radioastronomy, Bologna.
January 2022: Happy about the recent funded Fondecyt project on "Bridge the gap: unveiling the physics of star formation through chemistry".
July 2021: Congratulations to Morin who defended her master thesis.
March 2021: Welcome to Javiera and Gonzalo who are starting their thesis work!
February 2021: Patricio got the PhD beca, congratulations!
October 2020: Our work done in collaboration with the Chemistry Department and the group of Stefan Vogt has been now accepted for publication on Molecular Astrophysics. Congratulations to Giulia for her first PhD paper. Here .
September 2020: The pandemia has been quite productive for our group. Check out our recent accepted paper on oH2D+ observations in high-mass star-forming regions. Here .
September 2020: Our paper on a multi-binding energy approach to study grain-surface chemistry has been accepted on A&A. Check our publications section.
June 2020: Simon has been selected to start a PhD within the european AstroChemical Origin (ACO) network. He will work with Paola Caselli and Cecilia Ceccarelli. Congratulations.
February 2020: Stefano was invited to give three Astrochemistry Lectures at the
ITAMP Winter School organized by the CfA, Harvard. Here you can find the recorded
Lectures youtube
February 2020: Nico got the PhD beca, congratulations!
December 2019: Tommaso Grassi from LMU visited us for two weeks.
See the other news here